Monday, May 24, 2010

Who has stolen my heart

i know a painter
who loves slow sunrises in winter
and white in darkness
takes blue and reflects it on sea and sky
he makes it work

i know a singer
who gets the universe to sing along
gets thunderclaps as percussion and angels' wings
as harmony
sings the wild wind to stillness

i know a dancer
who has stepped on sea, sky, and fire
zeal uncontainable as spring rain,
rhythm unpredictable

i know a prince
who doesn't have a white horse,
but a crown of thorns
traded royalty for savagery, cause
he fell in love with those on death row
married us into the throneroom

i know a warrior
who makes darkness flee at the whim of his presence
stared death in the eye and swallowed the grave,
for me
bled profusely, bore scars
for my ransom, defeated the entire army of hell with a lover's heart

i know a father
who watched his own son die,
to hold prodigals as close as his very own
who has my name graven on his hands and heart,
and will never leave me.

i know a lover
whose felt every bruise and cut and breaking
of this heart, waited for me to
return from prostituting myself, only to
bandage my wounds, and tell me that i am beautiful
and he is faithful to me

I know Jesus of Nazareth,
and he has stolen my heart.

1 comment:

  1. this right here could totally win thousands to christ. *does jma gang sign with the utmost pride and dignity*
