Thursday, October 22, 2009

1 Peter 5:7

Father, thank you for your love that astonished angels
a love that truly has no bounds

surpassing our finite knowledge
surpassing the crimes of our hands
limitless, timeless, reasonless

crumbling hows
and whys

You care for me.

it is 9 am and I am dragging my reluctant feet to class and You care
it is 9:47 and I am thinking nothing my murderous thoughts towards the people next to me and You care
it is 10 and I am drained because life is draining and nothing has meaning and You care
it is 3:12 and I don't know what to do because her life is messed up beyond reason and You care
it is 7:59 pm and no one has morals and apathy permeates like a disease and maybe I don't care and You care
it is 11:30 pm and I walk past the man sitting by himself and You care

it had to take
the crippling stumble to Calvary
and four nails through Your beautiful hands
divine blood trickling down the Cross
Your eyes in painful agony, forsaken
and the stopping of Your heartbeat

for us to start caring

Jesus, I pray our lives to be of such glory to You
that it would make galaxies tremble
and hush nature into silence
I pray for our love for You to be so strong
that humanity would have to wonder of this joy that dances upon our soul

I want a love for You so tremendous that even the angels would have to stop their song, stop their flight

and stand,


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