Thursday, October 22, 2009

Give & Take

if they took my words away
praise God, for then my heart would sing even deeper
even deeper than this

muffle me.
that the communication paths between me, and my Lover
are only filled with static, laced with doubt
my hope will only solidify, and my dreams plead higher
for the words only He can speak to me

take my dignity away
my MTV-injected image of what woman's supposed to be,
fitting into every single rule of the world
and all of its cryptic lies
my fatal pride
oh, this pride
yes take it, for then i can
dance naked in the streets like David, without restrain
letting my vocals wring out the last drops of Hallelujah until
no man is thirsty.

take my health away
riddling my skin with torment until eyes are forced to tear
it leaves only greater room for God's glory, His glory
the only glory that matters

take my possessions
my money, my clothes, my food, my dreams
so as to help me know that His grace is sufficient for me
so i'd find Real treasure

take, take, take
empty me, because there maybe
after you go through everything, and realize its futility
you might take Him
though not mines to give, but He uses the weak
for this is Real treasure, imperishable inheritance,
perfect possession, unfraying joy
the gift of Jesus Christ, the son of God, Lord of heaven and earth
whose willing death on humble Cross bought your first breath
into Life, and what is this Life now?

take, take, take
you can't take anymore
for your hands, heart, and soul have been so filled by the Creator
it overflows, and this flood of grace is almost unbearable
you understand the language of the sun's rays now, as it
rushes through fields of yellow flowers, showering you with a glow
that is almost tangible
the stars dance now, the entire galaxy at the work of a composer

where was that anger, that bitterness, that depression that chained you for so long?
that quiet sense of drowning in which you just did not care anymore?
Christ cast your chains off, though taking on your shackles ripped His flesh
and now you've been ushered into a freedom that cannot be explained,
only experienced, like knowing that soul must exist for the body doesn't even
know the steps to this dance

and joy, joy, joy beyond fickle happiness lies behind a genuine smile
you've never known a smile like this
you've had wishful thinkings of perfection, concocted visions of paradise but
its never been more than daydreams

this here is real.
it takes you by the hand even when you don't want to go,
healing everything within you. this love cannot be imagined, it is
too tangible to even be called tangible, it is deeper and stronger
than anything you have ever known.

every single word in that Book, alive and moving in your life
speaking truth and not the lies that used to govern

people say. you've changed, it's strange, it's..
a 180? it's a 360, a revolution, not a spin back to the start but to a new start
you're a new creation

and you don't even need the miracles anymore, for you have faith
although they do astound you and cause little breaths of praise to slip off your mouth as you stand in wonder
the healings, the languages of angels, the prophecies
most of all, the saving of a soul as you see someone else
find the stairway to heaven.

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