Thursday, October 22, 2009


it's different

God's spirit lives
in me
my chains are cast off, i am forever free

and joy, joy, joy beyond the smiles and laughter of this world
burns within me.

so when destruction and death's hands grip my neck
my wrist
my ankles
and keep me from speaking, dancing

when the devil's paintbrush splashes his paint across the lives of others i hold so dear
lives i would die for

i do not fear

i used to
crumble, let my heart give in to his hopelessness-
endless misery my heart flickering just falling into his painting

i used to drown too, in their tears
forgetting the light within me- he made sure of it

but devil
you fool.

why enter the war against Victory?

though their tears and the bleeding of their souls
kills me, breaks me to the last breath
i remember the light within me- He makes sure of it
you break only to let Him heal
you drain only to let Him revive
you take away only to let Him give
Himself, Christ Jesus
goodbye devil, the Cross is your end
love bought your slaves

so i enter now into the battlefield
not to slay but to save
the blood of the Savior in my veins
the strength of the Spirit pushing me forward
my weapons of truth, righteousness, peace, faith.
the battle cry of the angels above
i already see to my right
a girl dying and her mother in quicksand, she looks for the knight in shining armor
but can't see the arrows in her side
i walk on and see the boy walking to the enemy's ranks, his shield dropping slowly
then a clamor to my left and i see this young woman just surrounded by death's army
and she's on her knees and where's her family, any oasis seems tempting
i look behind me and there's the beautiful blue-eyed princess,
they've got her in chains and taken away her voice, but she cries
i see in the mist the millions getting pierced, not knowing the light not knowing the darkness
and still the millions who see the fight
who are fighting the fight
dropping to my side
yet i see brave warriors
who though an army besiege
drive away the darkness with one word
i see them sustain that one humble candlelight fueled by Him everlasting
prevail over blackest night and fiercest storm
warriors in the ranks of the Almighty


seven trumpet calls and the King steps onto the battlefield for the war to end all wars
time, space, matter gone
the dominion of eternal light.

it is near

fight the Good fight, your brothers and sisters are beside you
Christ Jesus is with you
we have the power to give life.

His kingdom is here
and now
and coming.

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