Thursday, October 22, 2009

Good Morning

i love how every day
starts with a sunrise
as if to say
Here is another chance,
oh weary world,
to start brand new again. 

as if He took His mercies, and spilled them gold
across trashcans and
sleepy flowers,
reminding with every ray of light that there is redemption 

a lifetime's worth of mornings-
and with every morning
the heartbreaking whisper, 

Why will you die, O Israel? 

Jesus has died for every sinner already.
on that day that
no one seems to remember,
crucified by lies and a hatred that seared heaven's own King until He
bled like a slaughtered lamb, crushed by iron
punctured by nails of hypocrisy
but the calendars wipe this slate clean until his name is dull as
nice man who did nice things, brought peace 

but without Him no sinner is free
and He is the Lord, who took the Kingdom by such force that
demons fled at the first note of his breath
rose the dead and healed the blind like time could stand still, warp, and curve at his command
He is the Lord, who is love
who loves His creation immensely which proves Himself completely and utterly relevant
to you and me, contrary to popular belief
loved relentlessly even when creation disowned Him so He
fixed the problem personally, came down to taste
our teardrops on His face, to feel our burdens on His shoulders,
wear our skin and bones that He may bleed, bruise, and break
to show us that love is deeper than words and will do whatever it takes
to set free and overcome
that love will do whatever it takes for the beloved,
So Jesus took the sinner's sentence,
God took the world's crimes
and died so that 

we could be spared, redeemed, justified.
not so we could have long distance priest-faciliated conversation
not so His name could be thrown in theoretically, thrown in for last-minute resorts
but so we could run straight into His arms
see straight into His heart, and let Him speak
straight to ours
hold His hand
to dance 

Love is personal.

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